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June 2010


Innovative Eco Ideas.
Pupils from Auchenharvie Academy in Stevenston recently presented their innovative ideas to a panel of experts including RobertRyan Homes
Director Billy Kirkwood, as part of the ground breaking project “Tomorrows Homes Today”

Auchenharvie’s Eco Group researched, designed and presented their ideas on energy conservation within the home to the panel. This presentation was supported by actual models from their ideas that they built.

Billy comments “ These young people have worked hard on this project since I visited them last October, and often in their own time. They have shown commitment and enthusiasm throughout and it has been a pleasure working with them.

From an educational standpoint, organisers Irvine Bay Regeneration Company say the project has been highly effective in enhancing skills for life and work as outlined in the Enterprise in Education agenda and delivered the educational targets in the Scottish Government’s Curriculum for Excellence. Irvine Bay’s i-live theme was also used as a context for learning across the curriculum, proving an understanding of, and input to, their local area through studying subjects such as art, technical subjects and social studies.